Hiring an individual or a company to prepare documents for you can be a learning experience in and of it itself. To clarify the terms Paralegal & Legal Document Assistant as defined in part per the California Business and Professions Codes 6400–6450:
“Paralegal” “means a person who holds himself or herself out to be a paralegal, who is qualified by education, training, or work experience, who either contracts with or is employed by an attorney, law firm, corporation, governmental agency, or other entity, and who performs substantial legal work under the direction and supervision of an active member of the State Bar of California, as defined in Section 6060, or an attorney practicing law in the federal courts of this state, that has been specifically delegated by the attorney to him or her.”
Briefly, if an individual or business claims they are a Paralegal(s) and are preparing documents for you under the pretense of a Paralegal. One could only conclude you would be receiving a bill from an attorney who is in fact that Paralegal(s) or Businesses supervising attorney and documents prepared would be signed by that supervising attorney.
“Legal Document Assistant” “means any person who provides, or assists in providing, or offers to provide, or offers to assist in providing, for compensation, any self-help service to a member of the public who is representing himself or herself in a legal matter, or who holds himself or herself out as someone who offers that service or has that authority.”
Prerequisites in part for Legal Document Assistants are:
“A certificate of completion from a paralegal program approved by the American Bar Association.”
Registration with the County Clerk accompanied by a bond of no less than $25,000.00.
The preceding was intended to lend insight and dispel any gray areas you may have when considering a company or individual to prepare documents for you.
The staff at I & E Solutions have worked as Paralegals and Legal Document Assistants for over 16 years and have maintained our professional commissions throughout.
I & E Solutions strives to bring the Integrity and Excellence you deserve to all your document solutions.
We are not attorneys. We can only provide self-help services at your direction. Services are provided at customer’s request and are not a substitute for advice of a lawyer.
I & E Solutions is owned and operated by a Registered and Bonded Legal Document Assistant.